Monday 21 February 2011

Oksana Grigorieva Called Mel Gibson "Bluff" By Balking at $15M Settlement, Emails Show

Oksana Grigorieva walked away from a huge settlement offer by Mel Gibson last spring because she felt the actor was "bluffing." At what? Well, it's unclear.
The actor's estranged ex told her lawyer she wanted to see "where the chips might fall" in court unless Mel was stripped of some custodial rights with Lucia.
Moreover, she was sure Gibson was "bluffing" and claimed she was forced to sign a $15 million peace deal "under duress" from her own legal advisors.

According to Radar, Oksana Grigorieva sent Eric George the following emails:
"If the opposition is buying my silence, please, we have to renogitiate (sic) the castody (sic) portion and to secure the monetory (sic)," she wrote June 2.
"If they say "No" then Im (sic) prepared to loose (sic) all this money they are paying to me and I WILL go court, see where the chips might fall."
"I'm NOT scared anymore and I'm NOT bluffing. I'm pretty sure the other side was bluffing. He (Mel Gbson) doesn't want this publicity."
By this publicity, she means the Mel Gibson tapes. Funny how those got out.

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